So here's what it looked like yesterday afternoon (this is Malachi, looking out into the alley behind our house). And here below is what that same alley looked like this morning - white and blizzardy!

Not particularly cold, but wet and drifted in the alley - a good 14-16" deep in places. Fortunately, I have kids who like to shovel snow (but boy, this stuff was heavy!).

We managed to dig out pretty easily and headed off to the late service at Spirit & Truth (the early service was cancelled). It was scheduled to start at 11 AM, but we were one of the first ones there. By 11:30, a good sized group of folks had drifted in (mostly from the neighborhood - we were one of the few people that could actually drive there). So we proceeded to have a small but intimate worship service and it was really great. It's so encouraging to see that the body function in disruptive situations - reminds us that the church is an organism, not an organization, and that means that even without three quarters of your people, it can still function just fine. And that's pretty cool.
Of course, by the time we got out of church, things were beginning to warm up - so it's gone from snow white to just plain sloppy. Nice to have a little winter though. Can't wait to get back to the real thing next year in Montana...