Sunday, October 08, 2006

More House Photos

So a while back I promised more house photos, and Ryan reminded me tonight that I hadn't followed through on that yet. So here are a couple of shots...

This is our living room (looking to the southeast). Like the blue wall?

Here's the same room, but looking to the northeast (so the blue wall is out of sight just beyond the right hand side of the picture). Note the kids power lounging on the floor. I think they're happy to be home.

Here's Marilyn in her kitchen. Note that she's looking pretty happy to be settling in as well. Like the red wall in the background?

Another shot of the kitchen (looking almost due west, w/ my back to the living room). I bought the house solely because of the hot lady in the kitchen. :-)

And that's really all I have for right now. I'll try to take some more soon...


At 8:51 PM, October 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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