Monday, October 02, 2006

Finished in the Fall

So seminary / ordination exams are now officially complete - I took my oral comps last Wed / Thurs, and was approved to be ordained in the PCA. Woo hoo! We're all very happy to say the least, as this represents the culmination of 4.5 years of hard work and stress (not just for me, but also for the family). So I think everyone is relieved to have it all over at last. The ordination service will be held in Billings on October 15.

So anyway, Sunday afternoon we went for a bike ride and I took some photos. Rather than put them up on the photoblog, I decided to try a new Picasa Weblog feature - I'd invite you to check it out and see what you think...

  • it's very, very fast and easy to post (and then edit captions) - especially since I already use Picasa to adjust the contrast on all my photos
  • you can change the size of the thumbnails (pretty slick)
  • you can view it as a slideshow
  • you only get 250 MB free (which at the highest res, translates to about 250 photos... so I'll run out of space in no time)
  • it's hard to see the photos in high res (you have to download them individually)
  • I can't customize the background or anything
I'd be curious if anyone has any thoughts about it. At this point, I'm probably inclined to keep using my photoblog since it's a little more customizable and there aren't any limitations on space. Thoughts? Comments? Let me know...


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