Sunday, August 13, 2006

More House Hunting in Missoula

Well, as some of you know, we headed back up to Missoula again to try and find a house one more time, before we resorted to renting. The good news, we think we got one (we'll know for sure in a couple of days as we attempt to work out the details). I've finally had the time to put up photos both from this trip (#3), and from the previous trip (#2) - so if you are interested in seeing what we've been up to (aside from studying for ordination), bop on over and take a look. There are some great shots of the kids (and relatives) to enjoy as well.

Speaking of ordination - this past Friday I finally finished my last written exam (there were five of them total, each ranging from 2 to 4 hours in length). I think they all went well, and I'm extremely glad to have them over with. Now all I have to do is prepare for orals in September. Thanks to all of you who have been praying about both of these things, and please keep it up.

One final note before I sign out for the night - I think we're going to take off for a couple of days later this week and head to the mountains for a couple of days. So hopefully, we'll get some much needed R&R, and I'll have a chance to make up for my lack of photography so far this summer... Talk to you more soon!


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