Saturday, August 26, 2006

It Never Rains in August

So one of the standing jokes we have around the Cryder house now is how "It never rains in August" (because after all, this is one of the dryest, hottest months of the year here in Montana!). Now all this came about because last year, Taehoo came to visit and he got drenched in the mountains. And the year before that, the kids and I went camping and the same thing happened. So surely lightning can't strike three years in a row, right? Hmmm...

As most of you know, I've spent most of the summer house hunting in Missoula and studying for ordination exams. Well, on August 11 I finished my last written exam, and we decided to take the whole family to the mountains the following week for some much needed R&R, because after all, "it never rains in August..."

At any rate, I've finally got all the pictures up from our 4 days of vacation. We did get rained on a bit. And we certainly hiked a lot more than we expected. And we didn't catch very many fish (at least not initially). But we saw some beautiful scenery and had a lot of fun, and it's all there over on the photoblog for your enjoyment.

So with no further ado... here's what we did last week (and I think you'll find there are a LOT of great photos in here):



At 7:47 AM, August 27, 2006, Blogger Pilgrim in Progress said...

Whoops! How'd that get in there!?!? I meant to put in the picture of me sweating in the scorching summer heat, or something like that. Really. Heh heh... ;-)


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