Friday, May 05, 2006

End of School Party

Well, here we are - it's May 5th, and today is the last day of class in my seminary experience. It's kind of weird to be nearing the end of this 4 year journey, and it's kind of surprising how quickly everything accelerates at the end. The realization really begins to sink in when you stop to consider how many people - friends and acquaintances from class, from coffee shops - how many of these folks you may never see again.

It's kind of sad (to say the least). SO... what we'd like to do is have a party before we leave. If you read this blog and live within driving distance of Philly, you are hereby cordially invited to a one last party at our house, on Friday May 19, before we head back to Montana for good. This will be a stay-as-late-as-you'd-like kind of affair, with good food and drink and lots of opportunities to reminisce.

I'll be sending out an announcement to the cryder-friends list as well. We still need to figure out the details, but for starters, please reserve the date on your calendar and let us know if you'd like to come...


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