
If you look closely, at the picture, you'll notice an extra set of marbles. We tried a novel concept tonight, where "pink is wild." Basically, whoever starts rolls their own turn, and then also rolls for pink. Then players proceed clockwise around the board, but "pink" proceeds counter clockwise (so when it's the person-to-the-right-of- the-starter's turn, he/she gets to roll pink in addition to his own roll, and the next time around, it's the person to HIS right's turn to roll pink). Effectively it adds up to "everyone plays their own color, but every 4 turns you also get to play pink. Which can come in very handy when you really want to aggravate someone. :-)
Overall it was a very cool twist. You might want to give it a try sometime! And who won the game you ask? It was neck and neck down to the wire, but Mr Incredible pulled it out at the end! Woo hoo to you too!
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