While the Cat's Away...

Not only does he have two swell pals for me to play with (Shiloh and Strider), but he took me in and treated me like I was part of his very own family! I got to say in the house, and eat this really yummy venison stew, and then he let me wash it all down with a nice cold one. Wow. I mean, you've gotta look long and hard to find better lovin than this! And that wasn't the half of it!
Every evening he asked me sleep inside and keep him company. I think he was kind of lonely, since most of his family was gone - so rest assured I did my labrador best to comfort him and show him how much I enjoyed his hospitality. I kept a sharp lookout for any danger, and at the first sign of trouble I made sure to let him know about it. I kept his feet warm, his couches soft, his floors clean... heck, I even tried to help out with the dishes!
I know he appreciated my efforts, because he pretty much bent over backwards to make sure I was happy too - if I needed to go check on my pals, he would get up and let me out, and then when I needed to come back in to check on him, well there he was just waiting at the door for me! I mean, that's how much he cared! Wow!
Well the folks are coming by soon to pick me up, so I better go (I still need to help Uncle Jake finish up a little yardwork, and then I'm going leave him a special going away present!). Just for the record: I still love my own master better, but if I ever need to find a new home, I'm heading to Manhattan to live with good 'ol Uncle Jake!
That's all for now!
(Editor's note: evidently Master Aegidius has a slightly different perspective on Jack the house guest)
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