Glimpse of Granite Peak
Ever wonder what the Beartooths look like to the eagles which soar among their rocky crags? Well here are a few photos my dad took last week on his way back to Billings from Boise last week...
This shot here gives you a nice glimpse of Granite Peak, the highest point in Montana (it's that main peak skylined in the center of the photo). We're looking at it from the southwest, flying along about 14,000'. As you can see this is rugged country, to say the least. A couple of summers ago, a friend and I dayhiked Granite Peak, just to see if we could (yes, we could, but 19 hrs and 22 miles later, we were pretty sore puppies).
Here's another great shot of Granite Peak (far upper right), this one from the east, looking over Froze To Death, Turgulse, and Brent lakes. These lakes offer some wonderful fishing, but it's a bit of a hike to get to them.
And here's one final shot of the peak, this time east-north-east, looking across Froze To Death Plateau. You can get a nice understanding of just how rugged it is from this perspective.
Ah, this country is absolutely beautiful... see why we miss it when we're out in Philly?

And here's one final shot of the peak, this time east-north-east, looking across Froze To Death Plateau. You can get a nice understanding of just how rugged it is from this perspective.

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